So, it's the start of the beginning of the final year as an undergrad in college and with that comes the preparation for the senior year thesis show. If all goes well, the whole thing will be a great success and I like to think everything will pan out the way it is supposed to.
This summer I spent some time in local artist, Douglas Rappel's, studio.
( While he focuses mostly on painting and metal work currently, he has also done other sculpture and printmaking as well. Luckily for me, he has a great heavy duty press in his studio that he allowed me to use.

He taught me some unconventional means of printmaking via etching into a plate of plexiglass and body putty. It was interesting to do something so unconventional and experimental. The prints that I did with him are large and unfinished, but as I go home during breaks throughout the school year he will be teaching me new things towards the completion of the project.

It was fun creating these make shift ways to print. I had to take over my family's kitchen table in order to flatten my prints.
While I usually like to work with creature or monster things, I ended up working with teeth because I like to use a mouth or some facial feature as a starting point.

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