1. Get a lamp for my studio (since I'm still down a light >:| and I do not know when my service request will be responded to )
2. Continue folding paper
3. Work on etching
4. Work on installation
5. Prepare for art fair in Union
My posters are up and I have some papers folded for my Exquisite Corpse shindig! I have art supplies and have been getting feedback from the posters. I've been spreading the word by mouth, poster, and facebook. Everything seems to be working out. A couple of classes even said they might stop by as a class for a few minutes to participate in the event. I am so very excited! Once I have a starting point for my thesis idea, I feel like I can really start to go wild and explore. Still need to see about the chairs and tables though...
I've also been working on an etching, in which I aquitinted black and have been scraping back into it. This method is totally out of my compfort zone and I am having some trouble making my experiment a cohesive, developed print... I am going to work back in now with some lines. I feel like my burnishing will still be very apparent and will not be lost in the print.
I'm also working on an installation in which tentacles will be coming out of a door on the 2nd floor. The door is well known for shaking, and so I want to play off that.
Since I've been into exquisite corpses lately, I decided to check out some of the surrealists corpses.
Yves Tanguy, Man Ray, Max Morise, Joan MirĂ³
osephine Meckseper,Laurie Anderson, Olaf Breuning, Nick Mauss
I also found this sweet site
Its one GIANT exquisite corpse where anyone can participate
Naturally I added to it.
video games + violin = amazing
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