I added on a couple more tentacles to my installation before calling it complete.
I've also been working on an etching that I am very happy with. I used a combination of techniques that I have learned recently.
The day of its completion was also the day of my critique with Catherine Murphy. She was a delightful person and very intelligent. She provided me with helpful insight as well as some warnings with my art. She told me that other artists also do monster so I have to really make them my own, which I have already prepared myself for, so that is okay. She really enjoyed my art thought. She found the characters very personable and easy to connect with. She absolutely LOVED my installation though, which I was very flattered by. She found it to be very humorous and clever, so that was exciting.

This picture on the left is my print sitting in the acid bath. I tried to use the rosin box for this print, but I had a minor accident with it. Luckily, I discovered that the rosin had lifted from the center just in time and used the error to my advantage. I think, apart from learning new techniques, my biggest accomplishment this year would be letting go of some control and allowing chance to happen within the piece.
Hey I thought you might find this interesting. Barb has some Pictoplasma books that she has shown us in the past.